Papers are everywhere at LUANAR (Bunda campus) following campaign which ran for 3 days in preparation for Bunda Students Union (BSU) elections which took place on 19th April 2024.

Each University in Malawi conducts elections for students’ council who work as a bridge between management and students. Before every election, the independent body called electoral commission organizes everything for the elections. The initial name for the independent body is given depending upon the place where electoral commission is instituted. For instance, at Bunda, it is said to be Bunda Electoral Commission(BEC).

Moreover, every academic year in second semester, Bunda conducts its elections so do other universities. The same thing happened just a couple of weeks ago when BEC released a vacancy for students to fill position of their choice. Those successful candidates (aspirants) were called to have their certificate of recognition on 22nd April this year at Bunda college hall as organized by BEC and management. ” I hope this year’s election will be more colorful as there more aspirants in here, ” the guest of honor, the DOSA, Dr Ronnie Mvula said.

The BEC opened campaign period at 12am on Tuesday which ran up to 12am Friday. Within the campaign period, on Tuesday afternoon, all aspirants were called for debate where they answered questions based on what they will do if put in office. When each aspirant attempted to respond, their followers were making noise to the extent that nothing could be heard.

Additionally, normal classes were disturbed pertaining to morale guys who were perambulating in corridors while singing and dancing, alongside with their aspirants convincing other students be best candidate to be voted for.  The noise they made disturbed those who were in class studying or learning.

Sometimes lecturers postponed classes or shifted to other learning place to avoid disturbance created during campaign. Most students absconded classes in order to support their friends campaigning. The left handed picture portrays how busy the students were during campaign.

During campaign, the aspirants and campaign directors were giving handouts on top of their manifesto such as sweets, soya pieces, jigs just to mention a few. Mostly, Malawian campaign favors those who give more handouts, the more votes they get.

Besides the handouts, they also hung posters and banners around having the face of the aspirant.

The right handed picture shows how the environment was like during campaign and some pictures are still there up to date leaving walls dirty as they release stains which are considerable radioactive fallout when splashed by raindrops. Despite that other places were prohibited to paste posters, still more posters were pasted within the admissible areas and spoiled environment. Some posters and fliers were left and thrown anyhow. Those who received sweets and jigs also threw plastic papers improperly hence causing land degradation.

On Thursday 25, when aspirants were presenting their manifesto on day called policy speech day, more handouts were given and the whole area around hockey ground where the function took place was full of fliers, posters as well as plastic papers which spoiled the whole environment.

As compared to other universities, Bunda is on map regarding to this year’s campaign, number of aspirants, and election. Some aspirants for example those contesting on treasury had fleet of cars and also hired security officers for protection. Competition was extremely great. There were more aspirants that the previous years which garnished the campaign and on the other hand degraded the environment as they distributed more handouts such as sweets. Before casting votes, all posters were supposed to be removed as campaign period was over but some remained on walls making the environment dirty.

On 26th April, a voting day, challenges were beyond ICT experts’ control as they failed voting process. More irregularities like time management, network failure and system hacking that forced some aspirants to ask BEC for proper voting system. After proper negotiations, they complied to revote on 3rd may, unusual thing which has never experienced in Malawi. Though it was like that, there came out unofficial results which added to the prior irregularities. This made all aspirants, BEC team and management to meet and find the solutions for better election. They agreed to amend the voting system, date as well as place.

 Finally, BEC announced 2nd may as a voting day. They tested the system and proved to be reliable and nobody was permitted to use any other gadgets only the specified desktops which are at Norway Teaching Complex in computer lab. At exactly 7am voting process began, it was very fast and ended at 7:45pm. Around 10pm results were sent via WhatsApp as one of the common and fastest way of disseminating information.









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